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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

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meeting subjects роЙроЩ்роХро│் рокாро░்ро╡ைроХ்роХு .....




NO/P3/MM/Dated at Tirunelveli 627002 the 14-09-2012.


The Supdt., of Post Offices,
Tirunelveli -627002.


            Sub: Subjects for monthly meeting - reg.

  1. Request for supply of three tubular chairs to Ervadi SO.
  2. Request for supply of new printer to Eruvadi SO.
  3. Shifting of Mavadi SO to a better building.
  4. Request re-examine of CEA bill case of Sri.Gomathisankar SPM Munanjipatti.
  5. Request to de-quarterise, Maruthakulam PO as intigate SP IR on 19-07-2012.
  6. Request for de-quarterise, Mundradaippu PO
  7. Request for attachment of one PA to Mundradaippu PO. During OAP season.
  8. Request to repairing of generator at Samugarengapuram SO.
  9. Request to fill-up the vacant post of SPM Tirunelveli Merkku as the deputation for long period causes shortage at Tirunelveli HO.
  10. Request to supply RO water purifier to Palayankottai HO (quotation already sent to DO, by PM PLC HO).
  11. Request for re locating of Thondar Bazar PO at Kodeesvaran Nagar.
  12. Reque new printers to Palayankottai HO.
  13. Request to set right the repairs to Tally Printers at Palayankottai HO.
  14. Request to supply a separate system and printers to A/Cs Branch, Tirunelveli HO.
  15. One more counter may be provided for booking of bulk articles and dispatching of articles including Speed at Palayankottai HO.
  16. Request early passing of pending TA bills submitted during the month of FEB-2012.
  17. Request supply of 4 S type chairs to Vickramasingapuram SO.
  18. Request supply of one printer to Vickrasingapuram since the existing printers are not in condition.
  19. Request ensure the sanctioned strength of Vickramasingapuram SO.
  20. Request permission to recan 2 S type chairs at Viravanallur SO.
  21. Request supply of  4 tube light and 1 choke to Viravanllur SO.
  22. Re opening the subject – request for grant of SB allowance to Sankarnagar SO, @ of Rs.300/- per month.

             The following officials may kindly be permitted attend the above meeting

  1. S.K.Jacob Raj, Divisional Secretary, PA, Tirunelveli Town.
  2. A.Athi Moolam, President, SPM, Suttamally.
  3. R.V.Thiyagarajapandian Branch Secretary, SPM, Alwarkurichi.

Thanking you

                                                                                                                 Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                                  (S.K.JACOB RAJ)








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