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Monday, October 5, 2015



1.Procedure for booking of air-tickets on LTC - Clarification reg.

2.முதலாம் ஊதிய குழு முதல் ஆறாம் ஊதிய குழு வரை குறைந்தபட்ச  அடிப்படை ஊதியங்கள் 
 First pay commission came in year 1946 and the basic salary at that time was decided to be of Rs. 35.
 Second pay commission came in year 1959 and basic salary was of Rs. 80.
 In 1973, third pay commission came into effect which decided the basic salary of Rs. 185.
 Fourth pay commission came in year 1986 which recommend basic salary of Rs. 750.
 In year 1996, fifth pay commission came, recommending basic salary of Rs. 2550.
 Sixth pay commission came into effect in year 2006. UPA Government at that time, fixed minimum basic salary of Rs. 6660.


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