GDS பதவிகளை நிரப்புவதற்க்கான புதிய ஆணை

ஏழாவது சம்பளகுழு அமுலாக்கம் தள்ளி போக வாய்ப்பு --துணை நிதிமந்திரி தொலைக்கட்சி பேட்டி

Last week, the Union Cabinet approved the formation of an empowered committee of secretaries to work out ways for staggering the award through more than one financial year, instead of letting the Rs 1,02,100-crore bill from the implementation of the award come up at one go.
GDS பதவிகளை நிரப்புவதற்க்கான புதிய ஆணை

ஏழாவது சம்பளகுழு அமுலாக்கம் தள்ளி போக வாய்ப்பு --துணை நிதிமந்திரி தொலைக்கட்சி பேட்டி

7th Pay Commission – Implementation may be Deferred – In a recent television interview, Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha had said the Pay Commission recommendations were the biggest headache for his ministry.
With a massive financial resource crunch estimated for 2016-17, the government is planning to defer the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission award.
PF வட்டிவிகிதம் 7.75% இல் இருந்து 8.95% ஆக உயருகிறது
DELHI: The Employees Provident Fund Organisation’s (EPFO) finance panel has recommended raising the interest rate on statutory savings of over 5 crore subscribers from 8.75% to 8.95% during the current fiscal.
The proposal has to be endorsed by the central board of trustees before the finance ministry notifies it. If it goes through, it will be the highest return since the 9.5% paid in 2010-11 and the highest ever real interest rate (after netting out inflation) in recent years. An 8.95% rate will translate into returns of nearly 12% for those in the highest slab as the withdrawals and interest earnings do not attract tax at the time of withdrawal.
இவர்கள் என்ன பாவம் செய்தார்கள் ?
Pensioners accounts not to have more than 14 transactions in a Year
Reserve Bank Of India
January 21,2016
The Chairman & Managing Director/
The Chief Executive Officer
All Agency Banks
The Chief Executive Officer
All Agency Banks
Dear Sir/Madam
Payment of Agency Commission on pension accounts
As you may be aware, agency banks are being compensated at Rs.65 per transaction for handling pension computation, payment and related services on behalf of Central and State Governments. As per the norms followed by the Government, a pensioner’s account should not have more than 14 credit transactions in a calendar year attributable to pension and related arrear payments, if any.
2. It has however come to our notice that certain banks are apportioning payment of arrears on account of Dearness Relief (DR) and/or delay in start of pension monthwise, thus, resulting in inflated agency commission claims. It is reiterated that number of commisionable transactions for payment of agency commission on account of pension in a year should not exceed 14. This includes one monthly credit for payment of net pension and a maximum of two per year for payment of arrears on account of increase in DR, if applicable.
3. It is also reiterated that cases involving payment of arrears on account of late start/restart of pension qualifies as a single transaction for claiming of agency commission. In other words, any payment of arrears on account of late start/restart of pension should be effected in a single credit transaction instead of separate monthly credits.
4. Some of the Central Government Departments and State Governments prefer to compute the pension figures on their own and pass them on to banks for payment. Such transactions may be included under non-pension payments, on which agency commission is payable on a turnover basis as per the existing norms (currently at 5.5 paise per Rs. 100/-).
Yours faithfully
(Manish Parashar)
Deputy General Manager
Deputy General Manager
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