Observe Wednesdays as APY Login Days
From: Puja Upadhyay, PFRDA <puja.tripathi@pfrda.org.in>
Date: Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 11:16 AM
Date: Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 11:16 AM
Subject: Observe Wednesdays as APY Login Days
To: DDG <
Cc: "Director,(CBS)" <directorcbs-del@indiapost.gov.in >, ADG FS-I <adgimtsmo.dop@googlemail.com>, Kawaljit Singh < kawaljitsingh@indiapost.gov.in >, "K. Mohangandhi Dy. General Manager" <k.mohangandhi@pfrda.org.in>, AG DAS <ag.das@pfrda.org.in
Cc: "Director,(CBS)" <directorcbs-del@indiapost.
Dear Sir,
it has been decided by DFS that the banks will observe all 'Wednesdays' as APY Login Days to increase the coverage under the scheme.So it is requested that the DOP may also replicate the same to activate all the CBS enabled post offices .
As on 31.12.2015 , DOP has sourced around 18000 account under APY .This initiative will help in mobilizing more APY accounts through post offices and also create competition amongst all the circles .
following are the communication that may be send to post offices:
- All post offices should observe every Wednesday as APY Day and all the post offices should mobilize minimum 5 accounts on the day invariably.
- APY Login Day reporting should be made to PFRDA (manish.mani@pfrda.org.in&puja
.tripathi@pfrda.org.in ) by DOP on next day. - The performance of the post offices on login day may be reviewed through VC meetings with circles on monthly basis.
- All circles are to communicate unequivocally to all its post offices about the login day/target to make it a grand success.
- If Wednesday being the holiday, the next working day may be observed as APY day.
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