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Friday, May 31, 2019

அன்பார்ந்த தோழர்களே !
  இன்று 31.05.2019 அன்று நடைபெறும் மாதாந்திர பேட்டியில் நாம் விவாதிக்கும் பிரச்சினைகள் உங்கள் பார்வைக்கு தரப்பட்டுள்ளன .
ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION GR-C                                                                 TIRUNELVELI DIVISIONAL BRANCH
No.P3-MM/ dated at Palayankottai- 627002 the 27.05.2019

The Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices,
Tirunelveli Division

            Sub:    Subjects for monthly meeting -reg
              The following subjects may kindly be included for discussion during the monthly meeting.

1.      As per the recent orders of the Department, the erstwhile LSG Treasurer posts are restored as T/S Treasurer and hence the same may please be filled up by calling volunteers among the eligible officials.
2.      It is requested to sanction sufficient advance of TA to officials deputed to PTC to full fill at least minimum financial mandatory payments and transport fare.  For example: For the officials who were deputed for PA Induction Training has to pay Rs.17000/- for food & accommodation whereas an advance was sanction only for Rs.15000/- which is unjust.
3.      It is requested to re-iterate the existing guidelines to all Post Offices issued by NSO  to ensure that the SAS/MPKBY Agents are not canvassing the direct customers and diverting the POSB business to other financial institutions by sitting inside the PO Premises.
4.      Request early sanction of the Treasury/Cash Handling Allowance to the Treasurers/SPMS (B+C) w.e.f 01.07.2017. 2018 as per the recommendation of 7th CPC Treasury allowance was subsumed with cash handling allowance
5.      Request to post/attach one PA to Vadakkangulam SO.
6.      Request to fill up the vacant 11 HSG-II posts and 1 HSG-I posts on temporary basis by calling volunteers among the eligible PAs as per the instructions issued by the Circle Office.
7.      As the next academic year is going to be started, it is requested to effect payment for the CEA already sanctioned by uploading in the SAP.  Further, the condition enforced that the financial payments should not be uploaded after 17th/20th every month needs to be withdrawn which is not supported by any rules and also against the welfare of the staff.
8.      It is requested to take a proposal for construction of Staff Quarters in the vacant space available at Palayankottai HO premises.
9.      It is requested to take proposals for construction of PO building for the JawaharNagar and Gandhi Nagar SO as the vacant plots are kept unutilised for years together.
10.     It is requested to take action to complete the maintenance work for Palayankottai HO.
11.     It is requested to sanction 80% of TA as advance whenever the officials are ordered to go for deputation.
12.     Request to set right the discrepancies reported in the Divisional Gradation List issued as on 01.07.2018.  For Example : Seniority is seen changed in the Confirmation order dated 19.07.2018.
13.     Request to set right the discrepancies n the Divisional LRPA List issued on 10.05.2019
14.     Request to sufficient supply of A4 Papers and LBT tags to all SOs.
15.     Scarcity of water problem and carry out the repairs work of bore well at Manur S.O.
16.     It is requested to nominate representative from sevice union (viz NFPE)for attending Periodical co-ordination meeting being held at CGHS.As of now only retired officials are being invited to the meeting.
17.     The municipal water connection of Ambasamudram HO was disconnetd.kindly take early action to restore the water connection thro municipal authorities .
1.      Maintenance work of Sankar Nagar SO has since been completed. After completion of electrical fitting, the building will be suitable for housing post office. It is requested to make arrangement for early shifting of PO.
2.      It is requested to issue suitable instruction to all  Postmasters , Tirunelveli HO to rotate the officials working in General branches once in a year as per the extant instructions.
3.      Shri Arumugam PA Manur(who was transferred to Manur from Tvl HO on 2018) was attached temporarily to Tirunelveli HO under medical grounds. As the period of attachment is going to be completed by 31.05.2019, it is requested to repatriate him and relieve Shri G Sivakumar, Treasurer of this union under immunity grounds (This case is also pending nearly one year)

                                                Pending Subjects
1.03/2019 Request to allot a room for female staff restroom at Palayamkottai
2.91/2018 revise MDW of Palayamkottai
3.05/2019 Request preparation of MDW for general &SB Branch of Tirunelveli HO
4..It is requested to refund deducted for the LTC availed by the officials for J&K  based on the audit observations.
5.Early implementation of Directorate   orders on counting of induction training period prior 01.01.1986 for grant of financial up gradation of TBOP/BCR
            The following officials will attend the meeting.
1.      S.K.Jacobraj  Divisional Secretary &LSG PA Tirunelveli HO
2.      S.Muthumalai PA Sankarnagar
3.      R.V.Thiyagaraja Pandian SPM Kilambur

                         Yours faithfully



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