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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

 அன்பார்ந்த தோழர்களே !தோழியர்களே !

நீதிமன்ற வழக்குகள் மற்றும் இதர வெளியிட பணிகளுக்கு அஞ்சல் எழுத்தர்களை அனுப்பும் முறையை கைவிடவேண்டும்  என்றும் சம்பந்தப்பட்ட அதிகாரிகளை தான் இதுபோன்ற பணிகளுக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்திடவேண்டும் என கோட்ட நிர்வாகத்திற்கு நாம் எழுதிய கடிதம் .




No.P3 /org / dated at Tirunelveli 627002 the 22.09.2021


The Sr.Supdt. of Post Offices,

Tirunelveli Division



                  It is brought to the knowledge of this Union , that the operative side Staffs are being directed to attend court  cases and hearings in connection with Public complaints. While many field officers of various cadres are available in our division, and  if their services are utilized , they may be able to represent our department more elegant and efficient. 

                 Moreover it is pertinent to mention here that the post of Asst Supdt of POs (Public Grievances), which remained vacant over a long period in our division,  also got filled up recently , so that their services may be better employed for such kinds of field duty . Before that, the main duty of ASP(PG) is to attend court cases and present during the hearings.

                                    Further , it  is to note here that,  as per the standing instructions of the  DOPT, a nodal officer/liaison officer has to be identified and all such cases should be routed through and dealt in consonance with the policy of the Govt/Dept and no individual sub ordinate official should be directed to present anything in any court , on behalf of the department/Government, affecting Government interest. This should be taken into account while making such deputations for attending any case in the Courts on behalf of the Department                    

                 Hence this union strongly emphasis to set free the operative side staffs from such field duties and the  field officers may be entrusted with  such works. In particular  , Sri V.S.Krishnan, SPM , Panagudi, who was directed to attend hearing on 23.9.2021 may be exempted



                         Yours faithfully 



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