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Saturday, March 28, 2020

No.Staff/Dlgs                                                                                      Date:27 03.2020
The District Collector,
Tirunelveli District,
Tirunelveli -627009

Respected Madam

Sub:     Request to issue instructions to the Sr.Superintendent of Post Offices, Tirunelveli Division to open Head Post Offices only with limited staff – Reg.

            The Government of India has imposed National Lockdown for 21 days from 24.03.2020 to avoid the spread of Corona Virus Vide Ministry of Home Affairs order no.40-3/2020-DM-I (A) dated 24.03.2020. As per Para 1 of Annexure I of the above said order, the postal service classified as “essential service” and exemption given to the post offices from lockdown. Hence our Postal Directorate has ordered to give minimum service to the public by opening of post offices with limited staff. Butin contrary to that, many postal divisions in Tamilnadu Circle have ordered to open all the post offices. In Tirunelveli  Postal Division also, oral order has been issued to open all the post offices and all postal  staffs are compelled to attend the dutyby not even providing proper transportation facilities. Due to the mass curfew all over Tamilnadu, our postal staff arestruggling toreach officeto attend duty on compulsion by the administration due to non availability of public transportation.

            Sir, it is submitted that there is no mail transmission due to the absence of transport facility like Train/Bus etc. Further, ATM is provided with sufficient cash even in Post Office ATM also, there is no need to open all post offices for financial transactions.

            It is also submitted that most of the post office buildings are very small and counter halls do not have sufficient space. Hence the social distancing between the customer and staff isnot a possible one. It is not at all possible to accommodate the customers with social distancing.  Further it is not possible to make special arrangement at all post office campus to take care of either the staff or customer when they feel ill suddenly. This might risk the life of both the staff andthe customer. Also it is not possible to provide police security for issues like crowd management and other law &order matter.

Hence, if all the Post offices are opened and inviting the crowd, instead of extending any service to the public, it will make disorder to the curfew promulgated and leading to wide spread of Corona, throughout the country even in a single day. Simply saying, all post offices would be made in to hubs for Corona Spread.

By considering all the above facts and the risk of outbreak of spread of the deadly CORONA virus among the staff and public, our NFPE Postal Service Union, Tirunelveli Postal Division requests our Tirunelveli  District Collector that necessary order may kindly be issued to open Head Post Office only with limited staff and to close all the remaining post offices in Tirunelveli  District temporarily in the interest of saving the lives of the employees and general public.
            Once again, I pray your good self, Sir, to kindly consider our request sympathetically and issue favourable orders please.

                                           Thanking you madam

S.K.BATCHA                                                                                                (S.K.JACOBRAJ)                                                                       
Divisional Secretary                                                                        Divisional Secretary
AIPEU POSTMEN&MTS                                                                AIPEU P3
Tirunelveli =627001                                                                         Tirunelveli-627001  
9976785913                                                                                        9442123416


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